The Future of Minimum Coverage Auto Insurance for Arizona

The Future of Minimum Coverage Auto Insurance for Arizona You may have had this happen to you. You have an auto accident that is not your fault, you get your car to a body shop for repairs and then you find out that the driver who caused the accident only had minimum required insurance coverage and there is not enough money to pay for your car repairs or injuries? Will AZ finally raise their minimum required coverage? What may be good news is the Arizona state minimum insurance coverage could be updated after forty-two years of being the same. The
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Oh Deer!

Oh Deer! Have you ever seen the movie Bambi? Who would ever want to run into a head-on collision with him? No one! Mating and hunting season can be a dangerous time for deer, yourself and your car hood. With some of these safety tips, you can avoid hurting a deer and saving a buck. First off, be aware of the times you are more likely to see deer. Deer are active at dawn and dusk so you have to be sure to be alert and to slow down. There are also usually warning signs that are yellow and diamond
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