Capitol Collision Repair

Auto Thefts Down Nationally

Auto Thefts are Reduced Nationally

Auto Thefts Down Nationally

Arizona Reports a 17.2% Decline

Phoenix-According to the crime figures released by the FBI in accordance to 2010, the largest property crime decline nationally was for motor vehicle thefts. There was a 7.4% decrease from the 2009 number of car thefts. Arizona reported 21,508 stolen cars in 2010, a 17.2% decrease from 2009. The FBI and authorities said the continued decline has been affected by new technologies such as proactive law enforcement, multi-agency cooperation, and bait cars. There are also theft deterrents for vehicle owners and recovery systems. Brian R. Salata, Executive Director of Arizona Auto Theft Authority remarked, “The coordinated efforts of everyone involved are working and our state’s continued decrease is proof of this.” Authorities have been making sure to remind the public that theft is a crime that requires an opportunity. If the public wants to be safe from the wrath of thieves, they must be attentive in their efforts of protecting themselves and their property. The AATA recommends a “layered approach” plan for protection: Layer #1: Common Sense Layer #2: Visible & Audible Warning Devices Some devices that can be seen or heard and alerts thieves your car is protected can include: Layer #3: Immobilizers The third layer of protection involves immobilizers, which prevents thieves from bypassing your ignition and hot-wiring your vehicle. Layer #4: Tracking Devices The last layer of protection is a tracking device which gives a signal to the police or a monitoring station when a vehicle is stolen. According to Dan Deary, owner of Capitol Collision Repair in Phoenix, vehicle thefts have shown a decrease and what once was a higher percentage of his repairs have decreased. The same sentiment has been relayed by several other body shops in Phoenix. Just remember, we have the opportunity to prevent your car being stolen, we just have to take appropriate action and many time common sense can be your best ally. For more information about the Arizona Automobile Theft Authority, visit Source

Car Stolen or Damaged?  Give us a call to make an appointment 602-253-1630, or Request a FREE estimate.

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